Businessmen looking into 100% bridging loans

100% Bridging Loan UK: Your Complete Guide

Navigating the world of property finance can be complex, especially when time is of the essence.

This comprehensive guide explores 100% bridging loans in the UK, offering insights into how they work, their benefits, and the risks involved.

Whether you're a property investor or a business owner, understanding these short-term financing options can help you make more informed decisions.

What is a Bridging Loan?

A bridging loan is a short-term loan designed to bridge the gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing one, often leveraging the equity in your current property.

It provides immediate funds to cover the purchase until long-term financing is secured or the existing property is sold.

Bridging loans are typically used in property transactions but can also be utilised for other urgent financial needs, such as business investments or paying off debts.

Key characteristics of regulated bridging loans are:

  • Short-term duration: Usually between 1 to 18 months.

  • Higher interest rate: Due to the short-term nature and higher risk for lenders. (Check out our comprehensive guide on bridging loan rates).

  • Flexible terms: Can be tailored to the borrower's needs.

  • Speed: Funds can be released quickly, often within a few days.

Can you get 100% bridging finance?

Yes, you can get 100% bridging finance, although it is less common and typically requires additional security or collateral.

Lenders may offer 100% bridging loans if the borrower can provide extra assets as security, such as another property, valuable investments or a personal guarantee.

The borrower's creditworthiness and the viability of the exit strategy also play a crucial role in securing 100% bridging finance.

How to Qualify for 100% Bridging Finance?

To qualify for 100% bridging finance, you typically need to meet the following criteria:

  • Provide additional security or collateral: Lenders are more likely to approve 100% bridging finance if you can offer another property or valuable assets as collateral.

  • Demonstrate a strong credit history and financial stability: A good credit score and a stable financial background can significantly improve your chances of approval.

  • Present a viable exit strategy: Clearly outline how you plan to repay the loan, such as through the sale of an existing property or securing long-term financing.

  • Show evidence of the property's value: Obtain a professional valuation to provide evidence of the property's worth.

Additional steps to improve your chances:

  • Work with a broker: A bridging loan broker can help you navigate the application process and find lenders willing to offer 100% bridging finance.

  • Prepare thorough documentation: Ensure all necessary documents, such as proof of income, property valuations, and details of your exit strategy, are ready and accurate.

  • Negotiate terms: Be prepared to negotiate with lenders to secure the best possible terms for your loan.

When is it Advisable to Use a 100% Bridging Loan?

Using a 100% bridging loan is advisable in situations where:

  • You need to purchase a property quickly: If you find a property that requires immediate purchase and you lack the funds for a deposit, a 100% bridging loan can provide the necessary financing.

  • You have a solid exit strategy: If you have a clear and viable plan for repaying the loan, such as an imminent property sale or confirmed long-term financing, a 100% bridging loan can be a suitable option.

  • You can provide additional security: Offering another property or valuable assets as collateral can mitigate the lender's risk and increase your chances of approval.

  • The property market conditions are favourable: If you expect a quick sale of your existing property due to favourable market conditions, a 100% bridging loan can help you take advantage of the opportunity.

What is the Maximum Bridging Loan Amount?

The maximum bridging loan amount varies depending on the lender and the open market value of the property or properties used as security.

Generally, lenders offer bridging loans ranging from £25,000 to several million pounds.

The loan amount is typically capped at a percentage of the property's value, often up to 75% LTV, unless additional security is provided.

Factors influencing the maximum loan amount for a regulated bridging loan:

  • Property value: The higher the value of the property used as security, the larger the potential loan amount.

  • Additional security: Offering additional properties or assets as collateral can increase the maximum loan amount.

  • Borrower's financial profile: A strong credit history and financial stability can positively impact the loan amount offered.

  • Lender's criteria: Different lenders have varying criteria and limits for bridging loans, so it's essential to shop around and compare options.

What Are There Risks Involved?

Yes, there are risks involved with bridging loans, including:

  • Higher interest rates: Bridging loans typically have higher interest rates compared to traditional mortgages, which can increase the overall cost of borrowing.

  • Short repayment terms: Bridging loans usually have short repayment terms, which can lead to financial pressure if the exit strategy fails or is delayed.

  • Potential for repossession: If you default on the loan, the lender may repossess the property used as security, leading to significant financial loss.

  • Additional fees and charges: Bridging loans often come with various fees, such as arrangement fees, valuation fees, and legal costs, which can add to the overall expense.

  • Market risks: Changes in property market conditions can impact the value of the property and the success of your exit strategy.

To mitigate these risks:

  • Carefully assess your financial situation: Ensure you can afford the loan and have a solid exit strategy in place.

  • Work with a reputable broker: A bridging loan broker can help you find the best terms and navigate the application process.

  • Read the terms and conditions: Understand all the fees, charges, and potential penalties associated with the loan before proceeding.

How Much Will a 100% LTV Bridging Loan Cost?

The cost of a 100% LTV bridging loan can vary significantly based on several factors, including the lender, loan amount, interest rates, and additional fees.

Typically, bridging loans come with higher interest rates compared to a traditional mortgage, and a 100% LTV loan may incur even higher rates due to the increased risk for the lender.

Additionally, you should consider arrangement fees, valuation fees, legal costs, and potential exit fees.

For a detailed breakdown of all the costs involved, please refer to our in-depth guide on bridging loan costs.

How Can A Bridging Loan Broker Help You

A bridging loan broker can assist you by:

  • Providing expert advice: Offering guidance on the best bridging loan options for your specific situation and financial needs.

  • Accessing a wide range of lenders: Brokers have access to a network of lenders and products, allowing them to find competitive rates and terms that may not be available directly to borrowers.

  • Navigating the application process: Helping you gather the necessary documentation, complete the application, and ensure all requirements are met.

  • Offering market insights: Providing valuable insights into the property market and potential exit strategies to ensure a successful outcome.

  • Negotiating with lenders: Brokers can negotiate on your behalf to secure favourable terms and conditions, potentially saving you money and reducing risks.

By working with a bridging loan broker like Finance Nation, you can benefit from their expertise, access to a wide range of lenders, and personalised service, making the process smoother and more efficient.

Finance Nation

If you're ready to explore finance options, you've come to the right place.

Our experienced team understands the challenges faced by businesses seeking the most time and cost-effective solutions, and we're here to assist you.

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With access to exclusive lending products you might not find elsewhere, we will identify the best deal for you and ensure the process runs smoothly until the funds are in your account.

Contact us now to arrange a call and discuss your financial needs along with the next best steps forward.

100% Percent Bridging Finance FAQ

What are the typical interest rates for 100% bridging loans, and how do they compare to partial bridging loans?

Typical interest rates for 100% bridging loans are generally higher than those for partial bridging loans due to the increased risk to the lender.

While partial bridging loans may have interest rates ranging from 0.4% to 1.5% per month, 100% bridging loans often come with rates on the higher end of this spectrum or even above, potentially reaching 1.5% to 2% per month or more.

The exact rate depends on factors such as the borrower's creditworthiness, the value of the collateral, and the lender's criteria.


What types of properties are eligible for 100% bridging finance?

Most types of properties can be eligible for 100% bridging finance, including residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties.

However, the likelihood of securing a 100% bridging loan increases if the property is in a desirable location and has a strong market value.

Properties that are difficult to sell or require significant renovation may be less attractive to lenders.

Lenders will also consider the potential for the property to be used as security alongside additional collateral.


What are the potential exit strategies for 100% bridging loans if the property sale falls through?

If the planned property sale falls through, borrowers can consider several alternative exit strategies. One option is to secure long-term financing by refinancing the bridging loan with a traditional mortgage or other long-term financing options.

Another possibility is to sell another property if the borrower has additional properties, using the proceeds to repay the loan. Business owners might use profits or other business revenues to pay off the loan.

Aggressively re-marketing the property to find a new buyer quickly is another potential strategy.

Additionally, obtaining new investment by bringing in new investors to provide the necessary funds to repay the loan is another viable option.


How do lenders assess the value of additional security or collateral for 100% bridging loans?

Lenders assess the value of additional security or collateral by conducting professional valuations. Independent property valuers will assess the market value of the collateral property, considering factors such as location, condition, and comparable sales.

For non-property collateral, such as investments or other assets, lenders will evaluate their liquidity, market value, and stability.

They will also perform credit checks to assess the borrower's financial reliability and conduct a legal review to ensure there are no existing liens or legal issues that could affect the collateral's value.

This thorough assessment helps lenders mitigate risk and determine the loan amount they are willing to offer.


Are there specific regulations or legal considerations to be aware of when obtaining a 100% bridging loan?

There are several regulations and legal considerations that can impact the approval and terms of a 100% bridging loan.

In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates certain types of bridging loans, particularly those secured against residential properties occupied by the borrower or their family.

These regulated loans must comply with FCA guidelines on affordability, transparency, and borrower protection.

Additionally, borrowers are protected under consumer credit laws, which require lenders to provide clear information about loan terms, fees, and interest rates.

Lenders often require independent valuations and property surveys to ensure the accuracy of the property's value and condition.

Comprehensive legal documentation is necessary to outline the loan terms, security agreements, and the borrower's obligations.

Finally, lenders will scrutinize the proposed exit strategy to ensure it is viable and realistic, requiring detailed documentation and proof of the borrower's plan to repay the loan.

Being aware of these regulations and legal considerations helps borrowers prepare adequately and ensures compliance with all necessary requirements.

What are some alternatives to bridging loans?

If you find that you no longer want a 100% bridging loan, there are other options available:

  • Personal Loans: Unsecured loans that may be easier to obtain with bad credit.

  • Secured Loans: Loans secured against other assets, such as a car or another property.

  • Credit Cards: For smaller amounts, a credit card might be a viable option.

  • Family Loans: Borrowing from family members can be a flexible alternative.

For a deeper dive into these alternatives and others, visit our blog on bridging loan alternatives.