Person applying for a fast bridging loan

How To Get Fast-Bridging Loans In The UK

Bridging loans are a valuable and unique type of loan, primarily due to their short-term nature, consequently, they are often the go-to solution for covering urgent funding needs.

Obtaining a fast turnaround bridging loan can be crucial in many financial situations.

Alternatively, you can contact us directly, as we can offer bridging loans with a turnaround time of as little as 48 hours, in certain situations.

Plus, by using a broker like us you're nearly guaranteed to find the best possible rates and fees for your situation. 

When you are seeking fast financing, there certainly isn't time to trail through the many lenders available.

Finance Nation's fintech solution will take care of that process.

In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to quickly secure your bridging finance, along with some factors to be cautious of when trying to arrange a fast bridging loan.

The Benefits of Fast-Bridging Loans

Fast-bridging loans offer a swift financial solution for individuals and businesses needing immediate funds.

These loans are particularly beneficial for those looking to secure a property quickly, often within a matter of days, without the lengthy approval processes associated with traditional mortgages. This rapid access to capital can be crucial in competitive markets where timing is essential.

Additionally, fast-bridging loans provide flexibility in terms of repayment, allowing borrowers to tailor the loan to their specific needs and circumstances.

This adaptability makes them an ideal choice for property developers, investors, and homeowners looking to bridge financial gaps efficiently.

Key Considerations for a Fast-Bridging Loan

Here are some key things you must still consider when seeking to take out a bridging loan quickly

  • When considering fast-bridging loans, it's essential to evaluate several key factors to ensure they align with your financial goals.

  • Understanding the criteria for eligibility, such as credit history and property value, is crucial.

  • Deposits and Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratios will impact the amount you can borrow and the initial outlay required.

  • Crafting a robust exit strategy is vital to ensure timely repayment and avoid potential pitfalls.

  • Be aware of the inherent risks, including higher interest rates and fees.

  • Engaging a knowledgeable broker can streamline the process, offering expert guidance and access to competitive deals.

  • Additionally, consider the loan's flexibility, terms, and the lender's reputation to make an informed decision.

Essential Criteria for Fast-Bridging Loans

A bridge loan requires specific criteria to be met for approval.

Lenders typically assess the borrower's credit history, the value and type of the property being used as security, and the borrower's exit strategy. Proof of income and a clear plan for repaying the loan are also crucial.

Meeting these criteria ensures a smoother and quicker approval process, essential when you are seeking quick financing.

Understanding Bridging Loan Deposits

Deposits for bridging loans are generally higher than those for traditional mortgages. Borrowers can expect to pay between 20% to 30% of the property's value upfront.

This substantial deposit reduces the lender's risk and can expedite the approval process.

Bridging Loan Loan-to-Value (LTV) Explained

The Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio is a critical factor in bridging Finance. It represents the percentage of the property's value that the lender is willing to finance.

Typically, LTV ratios for bridging loans range from 65% to 75%. A higher LTV ratio means a lower deposit but may come with higher interest rates. Although 90-100% bridging loans are technically obtainable it is both not advisable and very difficult to get a prooved for since the lender's risk is much higher. Higher LTV ratios will also command higher interest rates and potentially higher fees.

Taking some time to learn about the best LTV ratio for your situation is a worthwhile exercise.

Crafting an Effective Bridging Loan Exit Strategy

An exit strategy is a plan for repaying the loan, and it is vital for approval. Common exit strategies include selling the property, refinancing with a long-term mortgage, or using other financial assets.

A well-defined and realistic exit strategy reassures lenders of the borrower's ability to repay the loan, thereby facilitating a faster approval process.

Potential Risks of Fast-Bridging Loans

  1. Market Volatility: Quickly taking out a fast-bridging loan without thoroughly assessing the property market can expose borrowers to significant risks. Market conditions can change rapidly, affecting the value of the secured asset or the feasibility of the exit strategy. It's essential to conduct thorough market research and consider potential fluctuations to mitigate the risk of financial losses or difficulties in repaying the loan.

  2. Overlooking Exit Strategy: When you're in a rush to secure a fast bridge loan, you can't rush your exit strategy preparation. Unsurprisingly, the default rate for bridging loans taken out quickly is higher than that of bridge loans take plenty of time with increased preparation time. Building a robust exit strategy that takes into account potential risks is advisable for a number of reasons.

  3. Insufficient Due Diligence: In the haste to secure fast bridging loans, borrowers may overlook critical due diligence steps. This can include not thoroughly vetting the lender, failing to read the fine print, or not fully understanding the loan terms and conditions. Skipping these steps can lead to unexpected costs, unfavourable terms, or even legal complications. Thankfully, by using a bridging loan broker like Finance Nation, you can mitigate most of these steps.

How Brokers Can Help With Fast-Bridging Loans

1. Expert Guidance

Brokers possess extensive knowledge of the bridging loan market and can provide expert guidance tailored to individual needs. They understand the intricacies of different loan products and can advise on the best options available, ensuring borrowers make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

2. Access to a Wide Network of Lenders

Brokers like Finance Nation have established relationships with a broad network of lenders, including those who specialise in fast-bridging loans. This access allows them to source competitive deals that may not be available directly to borrowers. By leveraging their connections, brokers can expedite the loan approval process, securing favourable terms and rates.

3. Streamlined Application Process

Navigating the application process for a fast-regulated bridging loan can be complex and time-consuming. Brokers streamline this process by handling the paperwork, coordinating with lenders, and ensuring all necessary documentation is in order. Their expertise reduces the likelihood of delays and increases the chances of swift approval.

4. Tailored Solutions

Every borrower’s situation is unique, and brokers like Finance Nation excel at finding tailored solutions that meet specific needs. They assess the borrower’s financial circumstances, property details, and exit strategy to match them with the most suitable loan product. This personalised approach ensures that borrowers receive financing that aligns with their goals and timelines.

5. Building Long-Term Relationships

Establishing a good relationship with a broker can significantly speed up future financing needs. Brokers who are familiar with a borrower’s financial history and requirements can act swiftly when new opportunities arise. This ongoing relationship fosters trust and efficiency, enabling borrowers to secure fast-bridging loans even more quickly in the future.

About Finance Nation

If you're ready to explore finance options, you've come to the right place.

Our experienced team understands the challenges faced by businesses, sole traders and developers seeking the most time and cost-effective solutions, and we're here to assist you.

Utilising our cutting-edge Fintech platform, we provide seamless access to tailored finance solutions that meet your specific needs.

With access to exclusive lending products you might not find elsewhere, we will identify the best deal for you and ensure the process runs smoothly until the funds are in your account.

Contact us now to arrange a call and discuss your financial needs along with the next best steps forward.

Fast Bridging Loans UK: Frequently Asked Questions

Typical interest rates and fees associated with fast-bridging loans compared to traditional bridging loans

Fast bridging loans generally come with higher interest rates and fees compared to traditional bridging loans. This is primarily due to the expedited nature of these loans, which increases the lender's risk.

While traditional bridging loans might have interest rates ranging from 0.2% to 2% per month, fast-bridging loans can be on the higher end of this spectrum or even exceed it.

Additionally, fees such as arrangement fees, valuation fees, and legal fees might be higher for fast-bridging loans due to the quick turnaround required.

Specific types of properties or situations where fast-bridging loans are more advantageous

Fast-bridging loans are particularly advantageous in situations where time is of the essence.

This includes property auctions where immediate payment is necessary, chain breaks in property transactions where a buyer needs to secure funds quickly to prevent the chain from collapsing, and urgent refurbishment projects that need to be completed swiftly.

These loans are also beneficial for developers or investors who need to act quickly to secure a property deal before competitors.

Documentation typically required to apply for a fast-bridging loan

The documentation required for a fast regulated bridging loan usually includes proof of identity, proof of income, detailed information about the property being used as security, and a clear exit strategy outlining how the loan will be repaid.

Additionally, lenders may require a credit history report, bank statements, and any relevant documentation related to the borrower's financial situation. The specifics can vary depending on the lender, but having all necessary documents ready can expedite the approval process.

Approval process for a fast-bridging loan compared to a standard bridging loan

The approval process for a fast-bridging loan is designed to be much quicker than that of a standard bridging loan. While standard bridging loans may take several weeks to process, fast-bridging loans can often be approved within 48 hours.

The process involves a streamlined assessment of the borrower's eligibility, a swift property valuation, and rapid legal checks.

The expedited nature of the process is facilitated by the borrower's preparedness and the lender's efficiency in handling all necessary evaluations and paperwork.

Availability of Fast Commercial Bridging Loans

Yes, fast commercial bridging loans are available and can be an excellent solution for businesses needing immediate funding.

These loans are designed to provide quick access to capital for various commercial purposes, such as purchasing commercial property, refinancing existing debt, or funding urgent business opportunities.

The approval process for fast commercial bridging loans is similar to that of residential bridging loans, with a focus on speed and efficiency.

Lenders will typically require documentation such as proof of business income, details of the commercial property being used as security, and a clear exit strategy. Due to the expedited nature of these loans, interest rates and fees may be higher compared to standard commercial bridging loans.

However, the ability to secure funding quickly can be invaluable for businesses needing to act swiftly in a competitive market.